The Traditional Peasant´s Plot Project
Felicita Campos is the name given to the land plot inside the Farm where The Traditional Peasant´s Plot Project is taking place.
Felicita Campos was a hero of the peasant´s movement at the begining of the 20th century in the province of Sucre, a part of the Montes de Maria region. It is in remembrance of her struggle and that of so many peasant leaders that the Regional Group of Historic Memory of the UTB insisted on creating a course for students of any carreer to be taught by Wilmer Vanegas, a peasant leader, on how to grow the food we love in the Caribbean cuisine and also, on the difficulties that small farmers have to face in order to live a life as food producers and the resilience of their communities.
Criollo corn growing on a mulch covered soil
Cassava trunk, this is the "seed" of a new cassava plant
This plant with big leaves is called candia, also known as ocra or quingonbo (Abelmoshus esculentus). It was introduced to the Americas from Africa during the slave trade and have since been part of the cuisine of many rural comunities of the Caribbean. Unfortunately, candia is not cooked in the cities any more. Could it be that our first harvest of candia awakens our interest for this source of vitamin C and K?
During the rainy season, wild herbs grow fast and some cleaning around the corn and the cassava is necessary. Our students learn how to sharpen the machete first in order to "clean" the crop from weeds. This physical activity, the sounds of birds, the sun, the air and the sweat help our students to relax and get rid of tension ans stress.
When the dry season arrives, the soil, if cleared from vegetation, requires another type of care.
There is a science in the use of a machete and it is a pleasure to see how easily Wimer, our teacher , constructs tools and stuctures by precisely cutting into the wood.
Plastic bottles, one of the biggest environmental headaches, will at least serve temporarily as water reservoirs for seedlings. The teacher shows us how to construct a watering system using natural elements and recycling bottles.
This project would not be possible without the support of the Social Sciencies and Humanities Faculty and our friends at Corporacion Desarrollo Solidario and Equipo de Comunicaciones Rurales de los Montes de Maria.
Here is a short video called "Peasant´s knowledge at the University: a road to Peace" about our teacher, his role in his community and in the university.